
Showing posts from February, 2021

Finding Moments of Peace

  I still remember the feeling of kneeling on the sheets, slightly unsettled by the subtle motion of the top bunk, alternating between silent tears and silent prayers. I had been in the Missionary Training Center (MTC) in Provo, Utah for about a week. I was finally beginning my service as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And all of a sudden I discovered that my life had reached one of those points where everything is in question and nothing is right.  Of course, growing up in a faithful family in the church, it was always clear to me that serving a mission was the right thing to do. I'd been reading the Bible and the Book of Mormon since I first learned my ABCs and I'd found meaning and comfort in applying their wisdom in my life. I had learned to sing that "I am a child of God" and felt deeply that those words were true as I experienced an inner warmth when praying as a child to ask God if He was really there. Once I had turned ninete